PARAVERSE is a world of multiple universes and allows various universes to meet each other.
The circle of PARAVERSE means one universe, two overlapped circles represent the overlapping two universes.
And the band surrounding the two circles means the sharing and empathy of the two universes.
Create your own universe.
Meet, feel, and experience with other universes.
As we all have different colors, Universes in PARAVERSE also shine with different colors. They shine more beautifully when they freely express their colors in their own ways and share space-time with other universe. Experience various universes in PARAVERSE.
Balance Artwork
This 3D artwork shows circles representing two universes and the various objects balanced around it. Each object supports each other and finally becomes one. The meaning of the brand "paraverse" is that different universes are connected as one. Each universes will meet and share different universes on paraverse.
In the world
We Live In
Our Own Universe.